Cleaning and disinfection of drinking water installations
For clear management and maintenance of drinking water installations, VEWIN (the national association of water companies in the Netherlands) has...
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For clear management and maintenance of drinking water installations, VEWIN (the national association of water companies in the Netherlands) has...
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If you're responsible for Legionella sampling, it requires expertise and precision. How can you ensure you have the right knowledge and skills to...
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Preventing Legionella in priority institutions, such as hospitals and care facilities, requires expertise in inspecting drinking water installations....
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Legionella is a well-known and unwelcome organism to consider in the water sector. When the bacteria appear in drinking water systems, they can cause...
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The Dutch drinking water is among the best in the world, meaning we can always rely on clean and hygienically reliable drinking water. Contamination...
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The Dutch drinking water is among the best in the world, which means that we can always rely on clean and hygienically safe drinking water. Work on...
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How can you best learn the key processes involved in drinking water production? It's simple: by going through the entire process—from source to...
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Facts & Figures You Must Know When Working in Water Distribution.
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In the Netherlands, we take pride in our drinking water quality, which is among the best in the world. As a professional in drinking water production,...
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As the owner of a collective drinking water installation, you have a duty of care to provide safe and reliable drinking water. This primarily involves...
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The learning track “Expert Safe Drinking Water Installations” is specifically designed for employees of installation companies involved in the management and maintenance of (collective) drinking water installations.
Read moreIn collaboration with the training committee of the Platform Control and Enforcement (PCH), World Water Academy has developed a special learning track for inspectors from drinking water companies. This track implements the Inspection Guideline, which outlines what drinking water companies must focus on when inspecting drinking water installations.
Read moreKIAD is a personal certification for anyone who installs drinking water pipes or performs work on the distribution network. The installation and repair of drinking water pipes must be done with precision to guarantee impeccable drinking water quality. A technician with a KIAD certificate possesses the necessary knowledge and skills in the areas of expertise, hygiene, and safety.
Read moreYou can reach World Water Academy by telephone: +31 030 606 94 00 or e-mail: info@worldwateracademy.nl.