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For various organizations in the water sector, World Water Academy has developed a certification process for specific roles. Certified employees can thus demonstrate that they possess the necessary knowledge and skills to perform their duties or are authorized to do so. Examples include certification for technicians in the drinking water sector, certification of sewer inspectors, and senior dike wardens.
Why choose for certification?
Certifications are an important part of the professional development of your employees. They provide clarity about the competencies required for specific roles and can contribute to employee motivation and satisfaction by providing them with recognized qualifications.
Personal certification helps standardize knowledge and skills within your organization. This ensures that all employeesdemonstrably perform at the same level, possess the same knowledge, and follow the same procedures and methodologies.
Based on a standard or protocol, we first identify the required competencies. If there is no standard or protocol, we gather the competencies and validate them in the workplace. With a complete competency profile, we choose the appropriate assessment method. This could be an exam, but often a skills assessment is chosen where competencies are tested
More information

Claudia Peters +31 30 60 69 400Feel free to ask us about our products and courses