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Refresher Course on Visual Sewer Inspection

Learning targets

As a sewer inspector, you have completed the Visual Sewer Inspection for Inspectors course and obtained your diploma. This diploma is valid for 5 years.

However, developments in the field are ongoing, and you want to stay up to date. With the Refresher Course on Visual Sewer Inspection, we will update you on the latest developments in the industry, and you can demonstrate that you still possess all the relevant knowledge and skills. Currently, the top priority in sewer inspection is inspecting manholes.

When you pass the refresher course exam, you will receive a card that extends your certification for another 5 years as a professional sewer inspector.

The following topics will be covered: 

  • why did RIONED develop a Guideline for visual inspection of external sewer systems according to NEN-EN 13508-2, in addition to the European standard, and how does an inspector use it?
  • inspecting manholes
  • use of the RIONED Program of Requirements for visual inspection
  • practice with NEN-EN 13508-2 and the Guideline

After completing this course, you will have the following knowledge & skills: 

  • knowledge of relevant developments in the field
  • refreshed skills in sewer inspection

Een tegel op de straat met de tekst Riool erop.


During this course, you will refresh your knowledge of condition aspects using code cards, ensuring you are up to date with the latest developments. The program includes the following components:

  • changes to NEN-EN 13508-2
  • how have sewer inspections gone over the past 5 years, and what challenges have you encountered?
  • expansion to include manhole inspections

Personal Input

At World Water Academy everything revolves around both knowledge and practice. Therefore, we expect each participant to bring their own work experiences to the course. What challenges are you facing? And what experiences can you share so that others can learn from them?

Target group

The Refresher Course on Visual Sewer Inspection is intended for certified sewer inspectors.

Learning Together

Our group-based approach creates an enthusiastic learning environment where you can engage in valuable discussions about both the content and your work situation.

Entry Level

You should have a background in VMBO/MBO (vocational) education. Additionally, we expect you to hold a sewer inspector certification. If you do not fully meet this requirement, the coordinator will contact you after registration to discuss what is needed to successfully complete the course.

More information?

Foto van een medewerker van Wateropleidingen.

Caroline Rouppe van der Voort +31 30 60 69 400

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