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Calculating Climate-Adaptive Measures

Learning targets

If you know what climate change means for your area and which measures you can take, the next step is ‘action.’ However, in this step, it’s easy to overestimate or underestimate the effects of measures, both in terms of effectiveness and costs. What tools are available to avoid these pitfalls?

The course “Calculating Climate-Adaptive Measures” helps you take measures that have a real impact. You will learn to schematize the integrated water system, perform manual calculations, combine measures into a master plan, and assess model results. By creating an area scheme or model, you will understand what well-thought-out measures are.

Enroll in the “Calculating Climate-Adaptive Measures” course, and you will receive practical tools for estimating the effects of large amounts of rainfall and drought in your area, as well as how interventions work in practice.

The following topics will be covered:

  • water systems and their interrelationships
  • relevant system components for climate
  • model concepts for calculating measures
  • dealing with margins of error in a model
  • applying different time scales
  • manual calculations
  • correct selection of model concepts and system boundaries
  • 2D Modeling
  • interpreting model results
  • costs in relation to benefits
  • calibration, validation, and verification

After completing this course, you will have the following knowledge & skills:

  • understanding of the integrated water system (urban area)
  • effects of measures (urban area)
  • interpretation of model results (urban area)

Peilstok NAP in het water


(Ground) water in Urban Areas

  • water systems
  • precipitation and rainfall duration lines
  • groundwater calculations
  • climate adaptation
  • calculating infiltration facilities

Water Balance

  • setting up a water balance
  • effects of climate change on the water balance
  • effects of measures on the water balance

Master Plan

  • defining goals for the masterplan
  • developing a zoning plan
  • selecting measures
  • calculating provisions
  • master Plan considerations


  • model concept versus results
  • infiltration facilities
  • evaluating model results
  • costs
  • sea level rise
  • heat
  • water reuse

Personal Contribution

At World Water Academy, it’s all about bridging the gap from knowledge to practice. Therefore, we expect every participant to bring their own work experience to the course. What challenges are you facing? And what experiences can you share so that others can learn from them.

Target group

The course Calculating Climate-Adaptive Measures is intended for project managers and engineers/modelers from municipalities, engineering firms, and water boards. If you want to gain a better understanding of the volumes of water to be managed, spatial requirements, and the relationship with groundwater, this course is highly recommended. In any case, you should enjoy working with calculations.

You should have a background in a higher professional education (HBO) program. Additionally, we expect that working with spreadsheets and models is not a problem for you.

More information?

Foto van een medewerker van Wateropleidingen.

Caroline Rouppe van der Voort +31 30 60 69 400

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